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Weekly Pill Dispensers


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Translucent blue
Translucent purple
Neon Green

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Weekly Pill Dispensers | CPS0742

A traveler's necessity and a life-saver at home. Be organized for the week one day at a time with these custom weekly pill dispensers. These pill dispensers features seven single day tablet compartments, one for each day of the week, with easy to use but secure, flip lids. Have your company's logo printed on these pill dispensers and you've got yourself the perfect promotional product for your business!

All you have to do is add your own artwork, business name, or company logo to these printed weekly pill dispensers and you've got yourself an awesome giveaway item on your next event! Our online design lab is always ready to help you with the customization process! Order from us today and get them at the lowest prices!

Case Pack 250
Dimensions 6 w x 0.88 h
Imprint Area 4 w x 0.50 h
Made in USA Yes
Material Plastic
Name Weekly Pill Dispensers | CPS0742
Weight 14
color group White
color group Blue
color group Purple
color group Green